Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I haven't had much room in my head lately to think about blogging.  If you look in my sidebar under Incredible Families, check out Amber's Adventure.  My granddaughter has been through much this past week, and taken us on quite the roller coaster ride.  Leaving the hospital last Thursday, the two Grammies and Amber's home care nurse had a very quiet, teary ride home.  Thursday, however, is Choir night and this Grammy is the choir's accompanist!  It is very difficult to read music if I'm crying, so I thought it would be good for me to go and give my eyes a much needed break.  It was a good idea in theory, except we were doing a first read through of our Easter cantata!  The week before we read through the first two pieces and ended with a Palm Sunday-themed, very joyful "Hail, Hail, Lion of Judah" which left this week's practice with three mournful songs in a row.  THREE IN A ROW!  I could not find the image of Snoopy that perfectly conveyed what was happening to me.  Can you picture it?  He's dancing and joyful and then Schroeder changes the music and the dancing slows a bit, then the ears droop, the eyes get big, the chin quivers, then the sniffing and finally the sobbing and howl.  (wish I could have found the image).  By the time we hit the third piece, my ears were drooping and it was getting very difficult to read the music.  Thankfully we launched into "He is Risen" just in the nick of time.  Each day God gives me a new song, and I am so very grateful for this precious baby girl and so very grateful that He carries us through this and each step of her life in the palm of His hand....or better yet, under His wings.


  1. Our prayers for Amber and all her family, Gramma....

  2. God is so good,even during our most difficult days. May He carry you and Amber with His wings of love.
