I'm so sorry you have a cold for your birthday and that you forgot your coffee and that I'm not a party person....you deserve a big old celebration!! Three birthdays you've been far, far away from us and last year we were just with my parents....having an "early-bird" dinner in Florida...how fitting for hitting mid-century!! Now you are home and we have medically fragile grandchildren not to mention all the equipment both baby and medical .....but I want you to know what a treasure you are to me.
When you bring me flowers just because they were pretty, and you didn't even look at the price tag. I am no fun and all business and you, with the gruff exterior, are such a romantic. I'm stuck in ruts and routines and practicality and you go to the heart of the matter with so much heart.
I know someone else who is just completely smitten with you as well. I am so very glad I met you 30 years ago! Happy Birthday!!