Sunday, November 30, 2014

Giving Thanks

God is good.  His promises are true and He is faithful.  While I can't always understand why He allows terrible things to happen, I KNOW that through it all He loves me and knows me and everything is for His glory, that everyone would be drawn to Him and have eternal life.  Through the incomprehensible loss of our precious grandson, Charlie, in April, in His mercy our daughter and her husband discovered they were expecting again.  This precious gift was to be born near THANKGIVING!.....and she would not be affected by the genetic disease that took the lives of her two older siblings!!  Babymomma finally got to have the kind of birthing experience she had wanted and we welcomed Zoe Alexandra into the world two days after Thanksgiving.  To top it all off, the babymomma's brother who works overseas was able to be home.
We are so very grateful, even though there is that chunk of heart that aches with the disappointment that she will not be able to play and squabble and know in a physical way her big sister and brother.  Such a rollercoaster but He is with us every step of the way.


  1. Praise God for sending this precious child into your lives. Yes,the pain is still there,but despite that you have another baby to love on and to watch grow up.
