Thursday, March 21, 2013


  Spring arrived over the weekend, with some little touches around the house thanks to my daughter.  I traded out the black tablecloth that is so perfect for fall and winter with its clusters of apples and vibrant splashes of red, orange and green for a blue damask with dragonflies and flower clusters.  My daughter took it from there.

My granddaughter and the babyMomma planted a bulb of 4 leafed clover a few weeks ago, and it opened just in time for St. Patrick's Day!

I walked by this grouping for an entire day before I realized it was there!  While I don't believe I have a drop of Irish, the babyMomma does, thanks to great grandparents on her dad's side.  My favorite picture of the grandbabies....we were supposed to repeat this picture in the matching outfits this February when the light was just right.  We'll get to it.  Grandbaby girl still fits her outfit!!  We have a new one for her "little" brother that hopefully still fits him.  He's amazed us this year and is now bigger than his "big" sister!

A bird's eye view of the cake dome.....a white bird (ceramic? resin?), a nest with blue eggs, and vintage field glasses that were a mother's day gift last year from the babyMomma.


  1. Ah! May the road.... well you remember that Irish blessing...:)

  2. Top 'o the mornin' to ya! ; ) I didn't realize Four Leaf Clover came from bulbs. And whatta a pretty centerpiece. The only spring that has sprung here is some cleaning I've done recently thinking I'd get a head start so that when winter does finally release its grip, hopefully I'll have nothing better to do than to go outside and play : )
