Thursday, April 7, 2011

Progress Report II: Embracing Imperfections

First Quilt is still underway!  After hand quilting 66 blocks, I laid it out to see what it still needed and discovered I had an entire row sewn incorrectly!!  (marked by stars) The perfectionist in me goes crazy every time I see it, but it would be more work than it's worth to try to fix it so onward I go.  Corners don't meet, my stitching is inconsistent, I've introduced puckers.....but it is relaxing and I'm learning all the things to do differently next time.
     66 patterned blocks and 28 triangles have been quilted, just a basic stitch in the ditch.  For the 17 squares, I am quilting a pattern that I've stenciled on with chalk first in order to follow it.  No picture of that yet.


  1. That is a lot of work,going into this piece.It is bright and cheery and sure to be a treasure for someone.

  2. I would not have noticed imperfections.Look wonderful! Oh I know that deman of perfectionism.The double spacing on my blog at the moment.Grr.

  3. I have a hard time seeing the imperfections even tho' you've pointed them out! But just knowing of all the imperfections that you're aware of - and seeing how beautiful it's turing out despite them is....encouraging :) Kinda makes me wanna pick up where I left off on mine in hopes of finishing well - as you seem well on your way to doing.

  4. How cool to run across a blog with nature and quilting like mine! I wouldn't worry about the turned blocks as only God is perfect. Love that you see the herons roost in the trees. I kayak in my neck of the world down in NJ. Beth
