Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spring ~ Brief Report

Last week was the kind of weather the entire month of May should be, in my opinion.  Cool and damp.  The greens were VIBRANT and best of all NO May Flies.....or black flies.  This week we are plunged into summer temps and the black flies are out in full force.  On the plus side, we burn extra calories waving our arms in constant motion.

Sadly, I have no pictures for this post as I haven't quite figured out how to upload/download (?) pictures onto my new laptop.  Two young squirrels emerged from the nest at the edge of my yard just in time for mother's day.  The icing on the cake for such a splendid week last week was the Wood Thrush song.

My mom has been moved to my sister's so now the work continues to put the family home on the market.  We were there yesterday cleaning out some kitchen cabinets.  My granddaughter and I spend every Monday morning with my mom.  "Zoe was just getting tall enough to look out the windows.  Neither she nor I can look out the windows at my new place."  Mom is having such a hard time and does her best to pretend she is happy.  Every now and then she lets a comment like this slip out.  My mom can see out the windows in her new place it is just a different view.
Since this photo was taken, she had grown a bit and could just see over the windowsill standing on tiptoe.