Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Perfect Storm

July 4th week ~ Grandbaby girl's been healthy so we were optimistic that we could get her up to our small town's "3rd of July" concert, supper picnic, see lots of people, bring her home before the bonfire and bugs.  Maybe even a local parade on the 4th!  Well,  the storm clouds crept in.

Tuesday, baby brother had a well baby appointment and Grammy and grandbaby girl spent the morning at Barnes and Noble.  She loved seeing all the books and people and met an adorable 3 year old autistic boy in the children's section.  Meanwhile, the pediatrician spotted something on baby brother that she didn't like and called over to the local hospital who spoke with the first rumble of thunder....go to Children's.  Phone calls, dad home from work, to Children's.  Grammy could handle supper and bed with grandbaby girl.   Thunder and evening in the ER, no real answers, but mom and dad and little one home at midnight.

Wednesday, in and exhausted, disappointed to be just home...but .a ray of sunshine through the storm clouds, a patriotic photo shoot in the livingroom....sporting duds they'd have worn to a parade...
Thursday, surviving a week without our day nurse, staying in while the waves roll, a visit from our hospice nurse, grandbaby girl is a bit more secretional but we chalk it up to teething.   In for the day, preparing to pick up Grampa at the airport on Friday and deciding babies and Babymomma can come for the ride.  Somehow, we were completely unaware of the dark clouds forming quickly on the horizon, the full moon looming which would impact a tidal surge.

Bedtime Thursday night, grandbaby girl throws up shortly after going to bed......

Friday morning, completely socked in and the storm just hits us from all airport trip (thank goodness)....grandpa is stuck due to sandstorms.....fever just soars for grandbaby girl......all her medical personnel locally are on night nurse Thursday night, no day nurse, pediatrician away, back up pediatrician away, Hospice and VNA nurses both away!!!!!  Babymomma manages to get a hospice nurse to come out and the PACT team is called, by afternoon a Coast Guard Cutter is sent our way, and now Grammy is left with baby brother while the Babymomma gets to be strapped into an ambulance holding grandbaby girl for a ride to Boston.

A weekend spent at Children's, they came home Sunday night.  Baby brother survived the weekend with Grammy.....or is it Grammy survived? Grampa finally arrived home ....a surf advisory was in affect for the rest of the week, but we at least had some nursing coverage to help.....and above all, God who made heaven and earth and holds us close.