Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Off to Children's

Headed to Children's Hospital in Boston with the Grandbaby girl.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Hughie, Other Babies, And New Nesters

This is the first turtle of the season, or at least that I've spotted.

They come up the steep hill from the swamp, spend the rest of the afternoon looking for THE spot, and then  an hour or two digging a hole, laying 5 or 6 eggs, and then filling it in and covering it so amazingly that it is impossible to find!  I am not sure if there have been successful hatchings or if they just get dug up and eaten by nocturnal marauders before they can hatch.  

There were three baby bluebirds frantically following this parent.  Somehow my son-in-law and I had NO success whatsoever in capturing babies and parent together.  So, we have a single shot of parent above and shot of only one baby below, blurry at that.

Nuthatch family has been a delight to watch!  This was a group of about 4 or 5 babies ~ always on the move and very hard to count!  I think this may be parent eating at the feeder and one brave baby at the top.

Downy or Hairy Woodpeckers, not sure which.

Baby Hughie!  This is a Red Bellied Woodpecker baby.  All last week it would just cling to a tree and wait for the parent to feed it.  This week it is making it to the feeder, but it just clings and waits to be fed.
A VERY short clip of the Red Bellied Woodpeckers.  I didn't realize the camera was on video and thought I was just taking a snapshot!!  But, you can see how "Baby Hughie" compares to its parent.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday In The Swamp And Sanctuary Sunday

Mountain laurel is blooming! It is blooming all around the edges of the swamp. The water level seems quite low. I did catch a glimpse of a beaver, preening among clumps of cattails. (click to enlarge photo below)

The Beaver picture is a definite "Where's Waldo" kind of picture or "Can You See It?"

It's been a while since I've ventured through the poison ivy and bugs to check on life in the swamp. There are now four active Great Blue Heron nests; three down the far end of the swamp and the newest one in the middle. My binoculars and my shaky arms don't provide an extremely clear view but they are definitely active nests.  I numbered the nests, you just have to click to enlarge the photo.

Standing on a log over the water at the edge of the swamp is just a very therapeutic thing to do. Road noises are far, far away. The swamp gets quite quiet until I have stood still for about 45 minutes, then some noise and activity resume. Just to stand and watch and listen and be so

The message tonight at church was just what the "doctor" ordered. After a long day at Children's Hospital on Friday regarding my grandbaby, my daughter and I just felt like our brains had been liquified. Too much information to try and process. Through the rest of the weekend, I have just been unsettled and overwhelmed and absolutely jittery and exhausted. And then tonight's sermon....delivered from an old, frail retired minister.....John 6 - feeding the five thousand with 5 fish and 2 loaves......Jesus knew what He was going to do but asked two of the disciples how they would feed the crowd? One said not possible, the need was too big. The other looked at what they had available for resources, and said not possible, inadequate resources. What was the solution? The Lord........
A simple message...
one I've heard before....
the answer I most certainly know in my head....
but just what the doctor ordered for my
heart to be reminded of.....
He knows exactly what He is doing with Amber and with us....
I am to trust and to rest and to watch Him work.