Something about May.......let's see, some THINGS I do NOT like about May....
1. Black flies that arrive the last week of April and extend into the middle of June. Little annoying things that swarm you the minute you step out your door. Long sleeves, pants tucked into socks, protective head gear and bug spray are a must, and don't forget gloves. Barring that, the best defense is to admit defeat and just stay inside!! There is a third option; pray for cool and wet weather!!! The warmer it gets, the thicker they swarm and their bite is nasty!! This week we are in for cool and wet so yard projects are being tackled. Now, to look on the positive side, they do not last long (too long if you ask me) and they must be a source of food to some birds. This article indicates some other benefits as well. I still do not care for them one bit!!
2. Hospital visits! Last May my dear granddaughter was admitted to the hospital for the first time with a respiratory infection.
This May began with another hospitalization, this time just one overnight after a frightful evening in the ER. Looking at my grandbaby, you wouldn't have a clue it was a frightful evening!! You can read more about that weekend here. It was quite the emotional ordeal, thinking our time with her was coming to an end.
3. Saying Goodbye. Well, this I can't blame on every May, just this May. The month began saying goodbye to a sweet little girl in Hungary, Kinsco. My heart breaks for her family and for all the families with I-Cell babies who daily live knowing their precious little ones will not have very long lives. This past week my church family had to say an unexpected goodbye to an amazing man who was 78. For me, he was a constant. For the past 45 years, give or take, he was always in the back of the church, quiet, strong, solid, wise. He always spoke to you by name. Our pastor referred to him as "Barnabus ~ son of Encouragement" and he was. You can read a very special tribute to him here. I was not as fortunate to have that kind of relationship with him, but he felt like a dad ....consistently constant....and there is a giant hole without him.
Good-byes are always difficult.I like to think that when we say Good-bye,God is saying Hello to them.
ReplyDeleteInteresting link re: the May Flies! Who knew?? But then again, God did make them - so naturally they're good for somethin' :)
ReplyDelete"Consistently constant"...that he was. Sure gonna miss him...
Praying for your family.