Amber Skye arrived Friday afternoon, an absolutely gorgeous blue sky bright sunny day!! We weren't expecting to see her until the beginning of October but God's timing is truly amazing. Grampa was home for a four day weekend!!! And Grammy somehow ended up in the labor and delivery room! I don't think I have a big enough vocabulary to truly describe that experience!!! Trying to meet responsibilities but wanting to live at the hospital. Amber is too little yet to come home, so we take it day by day. She was 5 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches long but has typically lost a little weight. Thanking God for this precious gift and praying for the day she will begin her love journey with her Lord and Saviour!
Adding an update: She came home!! Monday afternoon ~ she hadn't gained any weight but she hadn't lost any either so she was free to leave. Pediatrician visit today. I am so amazed by her young parents and their outward display of grace and peace, not sure how they are doing on the inside but they wow me with their show of strength. Me ~ well, if you know me, I'm just one big sopping wet sponge that's oversaturated...Bumped into baby momma at 5 this morning (getting grampa out the door) and she had survived her 3 am feeding, pumping, was getting a snack and trying to snatch an hour's snooze before 6 am feeding. I'm proud of MommaSkye!