Spring has arrived. I thought the ice would never leave the swamp (pond?) but it finally did just barely two weeks ago. On Tuesday I ventured down the hill to my spotting log, a few ducks- mallard pair, wood ducks, hooded merganzer pair, tree swallows, Eastern Blue Birds, woodpeckers, a territorial Canada Goose pair, three Great Blue Herons. Apart from the bird noise it was fairly quiet. This morning I headed down, and the PEEPERS are singing their song! By afternoon I could hear them all the way up to the house!! The turtles were sunbathing on anything sticking above the water. Three herons standing guard in their nests. Saw the Canada Goose pair swimming but the past two years they have made a nest on a large rock and no one's taken up residence there yet. The beaver lodge has grown massive after seemingly no change for the past three or four years! I was about to leave - standing still is tiresome after two hours - I did one last scan for otter and just caught a glimpse of a beaver as he dove under the lodge. Wish I had a better camera.